UPCOMING Hours of Operation:

We will be closed for a short break after Memorial Day from May 28th through June 6th and will reopen on June 7th.

Our new ICE CREAM CAKES will be available during this time. Please email to schedule your pick-up.


The Pavlova is a crisp and mallowy meringue shell filled with fruits, cream or custard. It makes for a festive presentation that is naturally gluten free.In addition, our Pavlova is vegan, free from eggs!

In lieu of egg whites found in a traditional meringue, we simmer our own housemade aquafaba from organic chickpeas to a crystal clear consomme until it is ready to whip into a perfectly balanced vegan meringue, not too sweet, with high performing peaks, that taste just like meringues.

An 8 inch Pavlova serves around 8 and best served on the day it is assembled.

Naked Pavlovas can be assembled for a quick and easy dessert. When ready to decorate, just add fruit, sorbet or whipped topping.


free from eggs, dairy, peanuts and tree nuts

made with organic, locally sourced ingredients